Stories of Menstrual Cramp Cures
by Elizabeth Smith, MD
Testimonies of Menstrual Cramp Success
Dr. Lee has used Natural Progesterone for decades with great success. Here are two vignettes from Dr. Lee and
some from our files and one of my colleagues.
Menstrual Cramp Gone! Hysterectomy Avoided!
3 years ago I decided to have an ultra sound to determine why I suffered such debilitating menstrual cramps, my gyn only found a very small ovarian cyst and sent me on my way with some advil. 3 years later I started having chronic urinary type infections and on the 3rd visit was told I had a huge fibroid or cyst. I immediately had another ultra sound and found the cyst had grown to 7.5 centimeters. My gyn than wanted to do immediate surgery and explained that if they can't drain it that most likely I would need a hysterectomy. When I asked why and how cyst occur, his only answer was that it is complicated. So I went home got on the Internet reviewed hundreds of web sites and found no reasonable explanation for cyst formation until coming upon the Women's Therapeutic Institute.
I ordered the progesterone right away and fortunately Dr. Lee was going to be speaking in my city. After hearing Dr. lee lecture I began to get a grip on what was happening to me. At this point I was in chronic pain from the cyst pressing against my bladder, and had developed chronic odor in my urine for 6 months that even the antibiotics could
not cure. Waiting to start the progesterone I began to make the recommended changes i.e. switching to organic food changing soaps, make up, etc., after using the progesterone for just 3 days the odor and pain started to diminish. I have now been on the program for 5 months and have no symptoms everyone tells me I look a 100% better I sleep better and feel fantastic, and the best bonus of all I have NO MORE MENSTRUAL CRAMP.
This is what the medical profession is supposed to do, help make you well, not put you on a table and sacrifice your womanhood. My husbands niece was recently diagnosed with the same condition I had and went forward with the surgery which resulted in a hysterectomy, now she feels hysterical and depressed and I think that could have been me. perhaps surgery is necessary in some cases, but it is well worth your time to take responsibility for your health and at the very least try to make your self well before you make that decision.
Menstrual Cycle Normalized! No more Menstrual Cramping!
I'm not sure if you remember having talked to me, so I'll try to refresh your memory: I was the one who had sent you my medical form, stating how I had been in a traumatic bicycle accident 11 years ago at age 23, having been literally run over by a truck. And, I spoke to you on the phone.
You had told me to inform you about how Progestelle ® is working for me, after a few months of taking it. Here goes:
My sleep improved the first night of using it. Plus, my debilitating cramping has reduced more and more each month. I just began menstruating today, and so far, no cramps at all. My cycle has lengthened, also. Usually it is every 21 days. This month I started on the 26th day -- amazing!
I'm no longer taking Armour thyroid. I weaned myself off of it quick, because I had only been on it 2 months. I'll let you know if my thyroid level is in the normal range as soon as I find out my blood test result. My doctor's office is supposed to call me in less than an hour to tell me.
I used to get fibrocysts a week before starting. Now, I don't.
Editor's Note: FSH and Free T3 were normal.
Vanessa I.
Menstrual Cramping Almost Gone
From an email Jan 8th, 2005
I first consulted a OBGYN in Mar 2004 because of VERY VERY painful periods. first painful period was May 2003. It hurt sooo bad that I nearly passed out at a business meeting. From May 2003 to present I would have a good and then a bad one so I just took OTC medicine to help. It got to the point that the medicine didn't even phase the pain. It was terrible. I decided to see my PCP in around Jan 2004. She acted like I just had pain and that was it. She wanted to put me on birth control which I did not want to do because I had a bad reaction (mood swings, crying, etc.) whenever I first got married in Jan 2001. She said that if I did not want to be on the birth control that she would prescribe Ponstel. I tried the Ponstel and it would ease the pain a little but not was so strong that I still hurt badly. Also to note....I am very good with pain management....needles, etc. not much can phase me and this pain felt like it was killing me! So in desperation I decided to go see an OBGYN instead of going back to my PCP. I go to the OBGYN in Mar 2004 and she did an ultrasound of my ovaries, uterus, bladder, etc. She said my uterus looked very healthy but my ovaries had several follicles. She explained that it looked like I had PCOS. She said that I did not seem to have any other characteristics of the condition. I have no hair on my face or anywhere for that matter. I am not obese or overweight.
She then said that the best way to go is birth control. I told her about my
previous problems and she said that we should try the nuvaring because it is low dose and less likely to cause problems. I was so desperate at that point that I was willing to try anything even though I had problems before. So I started the nuvaring in May 2004 and it didn't elminate all pain immeadiatley but it helped a lot and by the thrid month I had no pain. I also had no negative first. After a few months on the ring I seemed to have a lower libido than
usual....WAY LOWER. I started to realize that it was the nuvaring causing
the problem. I was so frustrated and when I went back to see the DR in OCT
I told her about the side effect....she, just like anyone else in modern medicine, acted like it was all in my head. I told her that I wanted off the Nuvaring and that I wanted a natural alternative. She least give it six months and then try. She told me that I may never have a
symptom again. So I made it through the sixth ring and have stopped. My cycle has come back with avengence already! My body is probably freaking out wondering what I am doing to it. I started having instense back pain on SAT 1/2 evening and it lasted all the way through SUN night and a little here and there on Monday. Saturday was the worst part though and the
thing is I always get the pain way before my period starts....sometimes it has come 5 days before! I took 2 Bextra Saturday night just trying to make it through. Today is Tues. 1/4 evening and I still have not started and I probably wont until Thur is my body is on the Nuvaring schedule still. Another thing to add, my periods were always irregular, and were getting longer. For about 4 years they were right at 31 days....then when the problems started they would fluctuate from 31 to 33 to 35 and the longest ever was 38! So I am not even sure when I will start this time around! I have been doing some of my own research online in a attempt to find a natural solution and not go back to the Nuvaring, artificial hormones! In doing so I have found some information online about xenoestrogens. I read in one article that Nonoxyl-9 is one of them.
Well, whenever the pill would not work. I got a diaphragm, I used it for about 18 months and never got another and have used condoms, or the sponge. I am concerned that all of this exposure to Nonoxyl-9 could have thrown off my system and caused things to go
haywire. I started my periods at 14 and never had a problem until almost
23 years old. I also started wearing a lot more makeup in Jan 2003 when
a friend introduced me to Mary Kay products. This may have affected my
hormones too. Please help!! I am so desperate for help! Thank you for
this service!! My main question is....can I have polycystic ovaries without
having PCOS? Also, can I have PCOS but only the ovaries and pain as my
symptoms?? I am so confused! Thank you for your help.
From an email dated 2/08/05
Dr. Eckhart,
I know it has been about a month since our consultation. I just want to let you know that I am doing so much better!! I am so grateful for finding you and the Progestelle! I started my period last wednesday and had only minor cramping. I felt like what a normal healthy person must feel like! I even had a cold and I got up on thursday and had some cramping but I went about my normal activities without even taking a tylenol!!!!!! :) I am amazed. That day would have usually been the worst day of my month. Also, I usually start having bad pain about 5-7 days BEFORE I start, I had none! I only had the cramps the first 2 days and they were MINOR! I was almost in disbelief....I felt as if this enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders that had been there 2 years. Thank you does not express how grateful I am....
I want to let you know the changes I made in detail. Feel free to use my story if needed...I just want to help other women that I know are going through the same thing. I know how desperate I was....I know they are still out there....suffering.....
Well....after our talk on the phone I got online and went to some local health stores and bought some makeup that was all natural and most importantly paraben free! I changed my soap/bodywash, my shampoo, and my lotion. I took everything out of my bathroom that had the word paraben on the label. I went from using what I figure was about 13 products with paraben per day to zero!! I made the change in just 3 days. I was on a mission. I stopped eating anything heated in plastic. I am pretty much avoiding plastics altogether if possible. I am also using a natural toothpaste. Most of the products I am using are by a company called Burt's Bees. I also changed to the Nature Clean laundry detergent. I am using the liquid for now because they are on back order with the powder. I figured I would get the liquid while I am waiting on the powder to come in. I figured it was better than the ALL liquid I was using. I also avoid caffiene. I am trying to eat better but am still in the process of making changes here and there. I know it is a journey and it takes time but I feel I have made a lot of progress for 1 month! I would like to get a water filtration system next. That is my next big step....I am excited that I am feeling so much better in just 30 days....I can barely believe it's true. I will keep in touch on how I am doing. I am hoping to keep working towards my goal of NO Cramps at all! And getting my body to it's own natural cycle and state. more thing...I have an appt to see my Gyno on thursday.....she is going to think I am out of my mind but I may get another ultrasound of my ovaries.....they usually do them every couple of months for me......I can't wait to see how they look....I will let you know....
Dana R.
Sherman, TX
Bloating and Cramping Gone for the First Time in 10 Years!
I would like to change the shipping to next day. Please add the
to the same credit card.
Thank you!
-Lisa B.
Lisa, Overnight Express is $18.00. You probably don't need it that soon unless
there is a threatened miscarriage. I am looking at your medical form.
may have to change your laundry detergent and wait several weeks before
starting on the Progestelle anyway.
We have had some problems with Ecover. ie One patient could not use our
product for two years until she switched from Ecover to Nature Clean.
I am attaching the booklet and pink sheet so you may get started on
eliminating stuff right away.
-Eckhart, MD
Alright, keep the shipping as normal. The detergent I use is Ecos (not
Thank you for the information!!!
The reason why the progesterone creams did not help was those creams were
formulated incorrectly and/or you did not avoid xenoestrogens. See under failures.
If you have a hypersensitivity to smell, impaired Rhomburg, or sensitive to
small amounts of drugs (see above web page) then, you have impaired
excretion. You have difficulty excreting all drugs including
The root cause of this is low level anxiety. The answer to this is a
seminar at Pleasant Valley Church in Georgia. Email if you want more info.
Weight gain and cold temp is due to thyroid receptor desensitivity. See
above website under thyroid.
The mood swings and depression is of course due to estrogen dominance.
Let's stay off the licorice plus for now.
NO Ecos, NO dryer sheets. Use the detergent suggested in the handout.
is a RED-X.
Use a simple olive oil bath soap for soap and dish detergent.
NO sunscreen for now this is a RED-X. This may be the single cause of your
What do you use to wash dishes?
Let me know in a month or two how you are doing. If it is not working
talk about it. Give me a call.
-Eckhart, MD
Thank you again for getting back to me. Things are finally starting to make
sense as to why I have been having so many problems in the past when I try
to use the cremes. I have been off of the birth control now for a little
over a month. I have not had a period and my stomach is bloated like a
basketball. Since stopping (the bad) progesterone cremes, the cramping is
at least gone.
I had purchased Dr. Lee's book a while ago. However, on his website he has
a recommended list of cremes. He lists Emerita creme. I purchased this at
a health food store and got immediate severe cramps. I wasn't sure why
until I came across your website. I then checked the ingredients and
realized they have the methyl and proply parabens. Another one he lists is
Arbonne (I had also ordered this and discovered the same thing...they don't
list the parabens on the website, but do on the bottle). I am surprised
that he has not checked out these items more thoroughly before listing them
as recommended cremes!
I went through my personal care products and even though most were from the
health food store, almost all had the parabens (cleanser, moisturizer,
shampoo, shaving creme, toner, some makeup). I have thrown those away.
I use a dishwashing detergent from Trader Joes (brand).
I had a question re: the Ecos laundry detergent.
This is what is lists as the Ingredients: Plant Based Surfactants, Soap
Bark, Chamomile, Horsetail (plant), Lavender, Rosemary, Cellulose Optical
Brightener, Soy Based Fabric Softener, Essential Oils of Magnolias &
& Water
Do you still feel like is could be causing problems??
I also wanted to ask why you suggest I stop using the Licorice Plus??I
started taking it through my naturopath's recommendation for my adrenal
glands (had been very fatigued all of the time). I've been taking for over
year now.
Thank you!!
-Lisa B.
NO ECOS. NONE. NONE. Chamomile and Rosemary is estrogenic. Lavender may have hormone disruption properties.
Use Nature Clean Powdered detergent or TSP.
NO fabric softener. NONE.
We are trying to get you well, and are trying to minimize stuff. Once you
get well THEN you can experiment.
ECOS contains chamomile this is estrogenic.
Rosemary may be estrogenic and perhaps made my mother's fibroid bigger.
Lets try coming off of Licorice plus for a couple of months, there are some
steroidal components to it.
-Eckhart, MD
Well, Lee MD is brilliant. I got to talk to him on the phone before he
passed away last year at age 77.
I was able to add to it with my knowledge of environmental medicine. You
may need to come off of everything and wait a month.
Parabens seem to be associated with menstrual cramping. No parabens, no
But no one is perfect.
-Eckhart, MD
I ordered the detergent. I'll keep you posted -
-Lisa B.
HI. I wanted to give you an update on my progress. I eliminated the
parabens/xenoestrogens for a month and a half and began to use the
progesterone oil as directed (and the laundry detergent). I have had a
normal menstrual period for the first time in about 10 years!!?It is the
first time I have been able to be off birth control with no side
bloating or cramping!!!
I am so happy I discovered your website and product. It is people like you
who really care and take the time to educate and help those in need. After
having been to so many doctors with no avail, I can finally say I feel
healthy for the first time in quite a while. Thank you for all the great
information you provide to your customers. You are a blessing!
-Lisa B. , Irvine, CA
(please feel free to use this as a testimonial)
Breast Cysts Gone!
I'm a 33 yr old Hispanic female who 5 yrs ago had surgergy removing 2 breast cysts that were causing me a lot of
pain. My OB/GYN suggested I go this particular surgeon she recommended. The surgeon's recommendation was surgery
to remove the breast cysts. I now have a scar around my nipple that is a continuous reminder of the biggest mistake
I have ever made due to lack of information and relying on physician's opinion. NEVER DID THEY MENTION THE INFORMATION
Several months ago, another cyst formed in the same breast I had surgery on. I must have cried for a week
and was depressed knowing I would have to have surgery again because this breast cyst was bigger & more painful.
I kept ignoring it until I said to myself, "there's got to be another way to get rid of this". So, I
researched the Internet and read and read. I'm so thankful to have found everything I needed to know about breast cysts
on your web site as well as the remedy for getting rid of breast cysts.
I have only used 1 bottle of progesterone oil & I am so happy to say that my breast cyst is GONE. COMPLETLY
[email protected] has graciously offered to talk to anyone about progesterone and breast cysts.
My Breast Cysts Have Improved
Also, I want to say that since I started Progestelle in June (it is now Nov. 2001), the cysts in my breasts have improved. Sometimes they flare up if I eat too much chocolate/caffeine/estrogenic herbs, etc., but they are slowly shrinking. I also feel that my disthymia/irritability have improved. I haven't lost any weight yet <sigh> but my MD says that's usually the last thing to correct. Your web site has been so valuable to me. I've also stopped using all lotions/cosmetics containing paraben, boy has *that* been challenging, but well worth it, as I had ovarian cancer in 1988 and want to improve my chances against breast cancer as much as possible.
Thank you for being part of my solution.
PMS Improved
I wanted to provide you with the results of my first month usage. All I can really say is that I am truly amazed that I have found a product that delivers what it claims. I have been afflicted with PMS for years and after a month of modified diet and product changes I feel I am on the road to recovery and a more quality life. If it gets better through continued usage I can only tell you I have never felt better in my menstrual life as I do now. Thank you for your research and product. I have passed my success to my family and friends who also may suffer from the many side effects of hormone imbalance and hopefully have offered them a drink of water.
Normal Again!
I've started with the natural progesterone cream and love it! My depression is
gone and in the past two weeks I've lost eight pounds. My carbohydrate and sweet
cravings are gone. I have more energy. I have to mark my periods on the calendar
for I don't get any pms symptoms. My question is why in the hell didn't I hear
about this sooner? Are doctors really that ignorant that women have to go out
and do their own research.
I'm forty-two years old and wished I could have taken this at thirty. The only thing my body takes in is natural progesterone cream. No more drugs!
I have both books from Dr. Lee, but wish my message could be broadcasted to all the women out there who rely on their doctors. But then pharmaceuticals would be out of business for sure. My body has already paid a high price over the years due to being used as a guinea pig for doctors' ignorance and stupidity.
Thank God for Dr. Lee and Dr. Northup.
I'm back to normal.
No More PMS!
For three months now, I have been on the Natural Progesterone skin cream therapy and have been using paraben-free shampoo, conditioner, and make-up. The results have been nothing short of amazing! No more PMS!
I have gone from what used to be a week or more of suffering every month to a virtually symptom-free premenstrual cycle. In addition, although my periods still run long (typically 8 or 9 days), my cycles have normalized from 25 days (prior to adopting your Natural Progesterone therapy) to a normal 28 to 29 day cycle.
Natural Progesterone therapy is a miracle! Thank you for giving me my life back!! :)
Breast Cyst Gone in 2 Months!
I have been using natural progesterone topically for 2 months now for breast cysts, painful ovulation and PMS symptoms. I have seen an amazing change in the breast cyst problem! My right breast had a large painful fibrous breast cyst lump for the last few months and was getting really painful before my period, and since I've been using the natural progesterone mid month to my period the lump is GONE! Very cool.
My question is: My husband and I are thinking about trying to get pregnant in the next few months. Should I be using the natural progesterone while trying and should I continue it into the pregnancy? And if so how long?
Editor's note:
Arizona Daughter (John Lee, MD's patient)
"On another occasion, I had consulted
with an elderly lady about using natural
for osteoporosis. In the course of our conversation, she asked about fibrocystic breasts. After doing so, I expressed
surprise that she would be bothered by that problem because she had not used estrogen; at which point she said
she planned to relay the information to her daughter in Arizona who was scheduled for bilateral mastectomies due
to her severe fibrocystic breast problem. Six weeks later, after two cycles of natural progesterone, the daughter
called me from Arizona and related that, much to her surgeon's surprise, the breast problem had cleared completely
and surgery had been canceled."
Feisty Lady (John Lee, MD's patient)
"A feisty lady in her late '70's consulted with me about her advanced osteoporosis, having had several spinal
compression fractures. She had previously avoided hormone therapy because of a long history of fibrocystic breasts
prior to menopause. With natural progesterone applications, her BMD rose gratifyingly, her back pains disappeared,
and she resumed normal activities such as hiking, boating,
gardening, etc. Several years later, after I retired from active practice, she came under the care of a new doctor
who convinced her that she should abandon progesterone and use estrogen instead. On reluctantly doing so, she soon
developed painful fibrocystic breasts and her new doctor was now recommending bilateral mastectomy to avoid possible
breast cancer. Upset at this turn of events, she called me to ask how she should respond to the doctor's advice.
I told her to (1) immediately discontinue the estrogen and return to the progesterone that had done so well for
her bones and had kept her breasts free of cysts, (2) obtain a mammogram to relieve her worry about breast cancer,
and (3) tell the doctor he should have a bilateral orchiectomy to avoid possible prostate cancer. At this, she
laughed heartily and promised to follow my advice completely. Back on natural progesterone, she has remained healthy
and active to this date. I don't know if her doctor learned anything from the experience."